Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Dream Within a Dream

A Dream Within a Dream
By Edgar Allen Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream? 

Interpretation of “A Dream Within a Dream”
By Kaitlyn

This poem is by Edgar Allen Poe and has 24 lines and 2 stanzas. At the end of each stanza he ends it by saying a dream within a dream. This poem is in first person. The narrator uses lots of examples to represent what she is talking about in this story. I think this story is about the narrator talking about her own life or somebody else’s.
“Take this kiss upon the brow” (Poe, ln. 1). I think this line means a mother and father kissing there child goodbye or goodnight. “And, in parting from you know” (Poe, 1n.2) means there leaving and saying there final goodbye. “You are not wrong; who deem/that my days have been a dream” (Poe, ln.4-5) the child is saying please don’t go haven’t you loved this place and why would you want to leave? The father is responding you are not wrong I will miss place and it has been so great almost a dream but when he says “Yet if hope has flown away” (Poe, ln.6) the father is saying I hoped I wouldn’t have to leave but sadly I have to know because faith deserted me. The beginning is very sad and can mean many different things but I think it’s a father kissing there child goodbye as he has to leave for war even though he doesn’t want to go.
“Yet if hope has flown away/in a night, or in a day/in a vision”, or in none’(Poe,1n.6-7-8) it sounds like the father is saying yes we both know hope has left us but we are still together no matter what, day and night can’t keep us apart. We can find our ways to remember each other without seeing them. I’m not really leaving you because I’m still in your heart. “All that we see or seem/is but a dream within a dream. (Poe, 1n.1-/11).                                                                
        The child sadly had to watch his dad get on the train and leave but it’s almost like a dream. I can’t relate my emotions to this story because of how powerful it is. “While I weep- while I weep!”(Poe, 1n.18) the child is crying and in the poem she next said; “O god! Can I not grasp/with a tighter clasp? O god! Can I not save/One from the pitiless wave?” The child wants to stop the train and be with him but he can’t. He or she thinks going to war is the worst thing possible and is going to take away his dad forever but it really won’t and his dad couldn’t explain that to him.                                                                                                              

I think there is a lot of detail in this story but not enough to know what’s really going on But, I get the main idea. When I put this poem in my own interpretation (Poe,ln19) came up with something totally different than what I expected.  When I did this poem came out so sad and emotional and I think that is what the author intended to put out there for everyone who read this.

Monday, December 2, 2013

A Fool's Song

A Fool's Song
By William Carlos Williams

I tried to put a bird in a cage.
        O fool that I am!
    For the bird was Truth.
Sing merrily, Truth: I tried to put
        Truth in a cage!

And when I had the bird in the cage,
        O fool that I am!
    Why, it broke my pretty cage.
Sing merrily, Truth: I tried to put
        Truth in a cage!

And when the bird was flown from the cage,
        O fool that I am!
    Why, I had nor bird nor cage.
Sing merrily, Truth: I tried to put
        Truth in a cage!
    Heigh-ho! Truth in a cage.

An Interpretation of “A Fool’s Song”
By Caroline
My poem “A Fool’s Song” consists of sixteen lines and three stanzas.  This poem has no rhyme scheme.  The point of view of this poem is first person.  This poem’s setting is a room with a person and a bird cage.
 The speaker of the poem is a person who is trying to hide the truth.  The person that has the truth/secret is having a hard time hiding the truth.  The truth/secret keeps on escaping.  But, the person finally hides the truth/secret after many tries. 
In each stanza the fourth line has no punctuation in.  The fourth line does not have punctuation because Williams says “I tried to put” (Williams, ln. 4).   Each fourth line says that.  After each fourth line in all of the stanzas the next lines say, “Truth in a cage” (Williams, ln. 5)!  This makes a full sentence of “I tried to put truth in a cage.”  When Williams says, “I tried to put a bird in a cage” (Williams, ln. 1) Williams means that the bird is the truth/ a secret and the cage that he is trying to put it in means that he is trying to hide the truth/ a secret. 
            My interpretation of this poem is that a person has a deep, dark secret or a truth that they are trying to hide.  The truth/ secret keeps escaping and spreads to people.  The person that has the secret doesn’t want anyone to know so they try to hide it.  After many tries of trying to put the truth back in the cage/ trying to hide it the person finally achieves their goal and hides the truth.
            Another interpretation to this story is that the speaker cheated on a test.  The speaker keeps on peeking on the test next to them.  Each time they go to look at their neighbor’s test the teacher catches them cheating.  Finally the speaker comes up with a good technique to cheat and the teacher doesn’t catch them cheating.  When they get their test back they got a 100%. That means that their goal of cheating is finally achieved.  They have successfully cheated.  When the bird is finally hidden the persons cheating habit is finally hidden.  They can use that technique whenever they want and not get told on.
            The bird is a metaphor for a deep dark secret or a truth.  The cage is a metaphor to the person trying to hide the truth/ secret.  Each time the bird escapes it is a metaphor to the truth escaping and spreading to people.  When the bird is finally kept in the cage the metaphor is that the truth is finally hidden. 
            When Williams writes, “Why, it broke my pretty cage” (Williams, ln. 8) the truth had escaped and the cover was broken.  When the poet, Williams, says, “Heigh-ho!  Truth in a cage” (Williams, ln. 16) it means that he is very happy that the truth is hidden and that he doesn’t plan on the truth or secret getting out again.  “And when the bird was flown from the cage” (Williams, ln. 11) means that the truth or secret had escaped and that the truth was being spread around everywhere.
            The poem ends by finally saying that the truth is hidden.  When Williams says that it is hidden/kept control of it means that the truth will not escape again.  It is finally hidden forever.  It is a nice way to end the poem because the poem is about the truth/secret escaping a lot.  But, when the speaker finally hides the truth it is a relief.   It is a relief because the speaker finally keeps the truth from escaping.  The speaker doesn’t have to worry about the truth/speaker escaping.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Willow Poem

Willow Poem 
By William Carlos Williams

It is a willow when summer is over,
a willow by the river
from which no leaf has fallen nor
bitten by the sun
turned orange or crimson.
The leaves cling and grow paler,
swing and grow paler
over the swirling waters of the river
as if loth to let go,
they are so cool, so drunk with
the swirl of the wind and of the river --
oblivious to winter,
the last to let go and fall
into the water and on the ground.

Willow Poem Analysis 

By Ashley

            “Willow Poem” is set on a river, where the branches of the willow lean over the water, as Williams writes, “a willow by the river” (Williams, Ln.2). The willow is the main focus of the poem, because one, the title is “Willow Poem”, and two, the poem only talks about how the tree never changes and is always, and will always be “a willow by the river” (Williams, Ln.2).
            This poem has no rhyme scheme. It is all one stanza comprised of 14 individual lines. These 14 lines are only two full sentences, each with acceptable punctuation. Williams writes nothing about a speaker however. The reason there is no speaker is that it focuses only on the tree, not in relationship to anything else. The poem is about how little the willow changes but how much everything else does. It does that by talking about how the willow’s leaves haven’t fallen or been “bitten by the sun” (Williams, Ln.4), or how the leaves “cling and grow paler” (Williams, Ln.6), and every other tree’s do. We can get from our past knowledge that trees are a certain way, and Williams describes this particular one differently.
            The first line, “it is a willow when summer is over” (Williams Ln. 1), says that it is, and will always be the same. It hints that the poem wouldn’t really have a story but would create an image. Lines 3, 4, and 5 describe the willow like an evergreen, which it is not, by writing about how “no leaf has fallen, nor bitten by the sun, turned orange or crimson” (Williams, Ln.3-5). Line 8 describes the scene as “swirling waters of the river” (Williams, Ln.8), which also says the willow is by a river. Line 9 was strange to me; “As if loath to let go” (Williams Ln.9). Loath means reluctant, so this line means the leaves (of a willow tree) are reluctant to fall off the willow tree. But willow trees aren’t evergreen so their leaves fall off anyway, and loath is a human trait, so a leaf can’t loath. In this line, Williams used personification to describe the leaves of the willow.
            The lines that confused me most were lines 10 and 11: “They are so cool, so drunk with the swirl of the wind and the river” (Williams, Ln.10-11). Cool probably meant moderately cold in Williams’ time as opposed to awesome. I think it could mean that the tree is healthy because of the temperature and location. The river provides water, the tree gets plenty of sun, and the temperature is nice. Williams probably used a more poetic way to say that. Also, “drunk” is a human trait, so again, Williams uses personification.
            Line 12 says the leaves are “oblivious to winter” (Williams, Ln.12), which hints that willows are evergreen. I looked it up and they are not. Possibly this could be another hint toward the location. This particular willow could be in a very warm place that barely sees winter.
            “The last to let go and fall” (Williams, Ln.13) describes the leaves, again, hinting similarities to an evergreen. I know, though, that willows are not evergreen, and this line is very unclear. It could describe one particular leaf that has fallen after all the rest, but it uses plural pronouns to describe the leaves. It could just be that willows loose their leaves after all the other trees, but I am not completely sure. The next line, “into the water and on to the ground” (Williams, Ln. 14), talks about the location. It is, I think, a good way to end the poem because it is about the leaves on a willow tree, and their story ends as they fall and hit the ground. It makes perfect sense for Williams to use the leaves falling to end the poem.
            Williams used imagery to set a beautiful scene where a willow is among trees by a river. He then compares the willow to other trees in general, but quite subtly. He doesn’t say “regular trees lose their leaves, but this willow hasn’t yet.” Instead he talks about the willow, and from our past knowledge, we can distinguish similarities and differences from trees in general. Since there was no story to the poem, it was slightly confusing why he wrote what he did and what he meant by it. I think he meant that the willow is, and will always be, the same, but also is different from everything else.
            Williams wrote poems to be understood by everyone, and the simplicity of the poem probably reflects the simplicity of life back then. After all, how simple is a willow tree that barely ever changes: “a willow when summer is over, a willow by the river…” (Williams, Ln. 1)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


By Bella

Broomstick stirs it,
Steam is pouring out.
The witch is stirring the magic.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Tricycle

By Sophie

 I fell off my tricycle and it was just my third birthday. I just got a tricycle from my mom and dad. It was red and white with streamers. It was my first time ever riding a tricycle I wanted to ride with my sister. My driveway is long and has a large circle near my house. With a large garden that is have roses and pretty weeds. I thought I was so cool and I was awesome. I like the smell of all of colorful flowers. I was going fast then slow up and down my driveway. My mom was planting flowers in the back. I was getting tired of go fast so I just went around my drive way. When I was almost way around I saw a lot of bees! When I got around again I stared to go fast. I love filling of the wind on my small face. Then I saw the biggest bee. It was as big as a ping pong ball. The big bee flew right in front of me and land on a little pink flower.  So I stared to look at the big bee. By mistake I stared tipping. I landed on my leg and my hands. I stared to bawl my eyes out. Even when my mom came I was still crying. When my mom tried to get me to stand up I just sat there crying and crying. My leg and hands were bleeding a lot. My mom carried me in the house and she put Neosporin then she put on a Hello Kitty bandage. She let me help her plant in the back. 

Monday, November 25, 2013


By Daniel

            After my dad picked me up from school he exclaimed “Your lacrosse team has qualified for the playoffs!” After he told me the news I went berserk. The next weekend it was time for the playoffs. The first game we play a team that we beat in the middle of the season, so we were favored to win. When the game started we fiercely won the faceoff and scored. My team scored two more times. All the goals in the first half were unselfishly assisted by me. The first goal scored in the second half was by me. The Bays almost scored, but our ferocious defense stopped them. The rest of the fast-paced game was scoreless and we won 5-0. The next game was the championship game. I thought the Championship was the next day, but turns out I was wrong. The team won the other game, which meant that my team was going against them. The starting of the game the other team easily scored and also won the faceoff. They scored again and the rest of the tough half was scoreless for both teams. The next half they scored again, which changed the score three to nothing. When we thought we were going to hopelessly lose we came back and scored three more goals. Then stunningly we went into overtime. We went through two truly tough overtime games. Eventually we scored and won the extended game. We celebrated our victory. Gloves, helmets, hats, and hand flew up into the air as we shed tears of joy.   

Friday, November 22, 2013

Some Magnet Poetry

By Mr. Chafe

There is a large metal book cabinet in my classroom. It is the kind with locking metal doors that is only seen in classrooms. Last year, I was given a pack of magnetic words. I've decorated the front of the cabinet with these words. I never once mentioned it to the gremlins.

But I've been watching.

 Before (and sometimes during) class, some of the gremlins have been moving the words around, combining the words in ways that make sense to no one but themselves. I hesitate to call these word combination sentences sentences because most are devoid of meaning. On the surface at least.

I have been writing down what the gremlins have been composing. It has just been the occasional phrase here and there. I only do it whenever something really catches my eye. I looked at the gathering of words that I had; I added a few line breaks and some punctuation. Before I knew it, a pretty darned good poem had written itself.

Know to Like Deep Joy

By The Gremlins

Create a life full of art and music.
Approach joy, grace, passion.
But then you appear.

Drawing surreal blue color.
Original shard.

Write about metaphor.
Compose my glorious dust masterpiece from the loom.

I always scream in harmony;
My instrument is an angel silhouette.

Which sculpture said empty rhythm?
"Too bold," says you.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Beginning Middle School

By Grayson P.

            It was my last day of elementary school.   I cried the evening before because I was worried that I would not have a good teacher next year my moving up ceremony.  I came to school. The breakfast was taste but the moving up ceremony was my main worry it was ok.  I just cried a little but it wasn’t like that Middle School was starting tomorrow.
            Then when the time came to go back to school I didn’t feel as bad to start this new chapter of my life.  When I went to the middle school opening assembly I realized that it wasn’t the same and I felt special that there was an extra year of middle school compared to a public school.  The bad thing was my teachers and head of school put me Academic Support. My teachers thought it would be good in the end I got out of academic support and I changed my self-knowing I could beat out my teachers and tell what was best for me. A blessing from the lord.  Both of my parent’s said “You took good leadership and where able to achieve anything” that made me feel a lot better. 
            When events such as late night, Halloween dance, and Christmas where good things because I was able to have fun with friends and meet others.  The best thing about that year was learning about Williamsburg.  I thought my teacher was good at teaching history. That unit told me a lot about colonial American history.  I never imagined I would have to sand and paint a block of wood in class. I knew a lot about sanding and painting but the problem here was that I was sanding inside with carpet floors that I did not want to mess up. I did Brouton Parish Church. It was hard to get an accurate place for the door and windows without ever seeing the building. I had to invision the windows by using YouTube, history.org, Brouton Paris Churches web site.  Another project we did was about a trade I was the book binder and made a butiful poster.  Finely we went to Jamestown and colonial Williamsburg. Jamestown was
Then came the moving up ceremony of 2013 it showed to me that I had been able to get through the 5th grade. Through all my 5th grade year I went through sad and joyful times I always had corege to accomplish what I was able to “Thank you God “.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


By Mitchell

Best Warrior
Death by Achilles
No mercy to anyone

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


By Marley

Mythical girl
Athena is one god
Athena is a cool goddess

Monday, November 18, 2013

Spartan Warrior

By Thomas

Fierce warrior
Creates extreme chaos
Kills with each blow
Brave Warrior

Friday, November 15, 2013


By Emily I.

Mythical girl
She is now a Greek myth
Aphrodite is beautiful

Thursday, November 14, 2013


By Steven

Spartan fighter
Marches and always fights
Courageously marching the Land

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


By Grayson F.

Illegal Power
Kill the aristocrats
I need to help

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


By Ashley

Beautiful Spring
Daughter of the Harvest
Lovely flowers grow everywhere
Spring Time

Monday, November 11, 2013


By Garrett

Attacks Swiftly
Conquers his Enemies
Fighting in the Battle of Troy

Friday, November 8, 2013


By Donnie

Flaming Weapon
Sparks your deepest dark fears
The God of all fighting and war

Thursday, November 7, 2013


By Connor

Big, Scary and orange.
making houses scary.
Pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


By Clément

Spooky Masks
Scary goblin party
No witches just goblins

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


By Duncan

Scary witches
Skeletons, Cats, Bats,
Ghosts, haunted houses, candy

Monday, November 4, 2013

Learning to Ride My Bike

By Reyna

When I learned to my ride a bike I was 7 years old. I learned in an empty parking lot near my house. The parking lot had faded paint on the pavement. There was a gazebo where my mom, dad, and my sister were sitting. I was really scared and excited at the same time. My dad was the one who helped me stay up so that I could balance on my bike before I could ride it on my own. He had taught me how to ride my bike a couple of years before, but I hadn’t been on it for a long time so I forgot how to ride it. I was doing okay until I fell. After I fell I wanted to give up. My dad told me that I had to keep trying or else I would never learn how to ride my bike. I kept riding my bike and I had a lot of fun. Whenever someone passed by and saw me, I would stop and get off my bike because I didn’t want anybody to see me if I fell. I was so happy when I got home. I kept riding until it was dark outside.  Ever since I learned, I have been riding my bike all the time. I like to ride after school. In the summer I bike to my friend’s house a lot. After my sister learned how to ride a bike we’ve went on a lot of rides together.  We go on 10 mile rides with our dad sometimes. Now, riding my bike is one of my favorite things to do.

Friday, November 1, 2013


By Caity

Hot Tomalies, Skittles
So much fun on Halloween Night
So Fun!

How to Fail at Bike Riding

By Mac

 My neighbor was going home. She was riding her bike and she hit a car. Of course it was not moving. I went outside to see what happened. I saw her on the roof a car. I got on my bike, when I was half way down the hill. I turned to sharply to the right and fell off my bike and scraped my knee. It was as big as the bottom of a water bottle. I thought my bike went spinning to my neighbor’s house. Then another neighbor picked me up and took me to my dad and my dad put some stuff on it that burned.
 The next week we went to Delaware. I had to put something that burned twice a day for a month. It hurt to go swimming. I could not play in the sand with all of my cousins or dig a hole with my brother. I sat in the sand and I had to stay indoors most of the time. When we were inside I couldn’t play any running games or even go up the stairs in minute.  I had to keep a bandage on it all the time except when I was putting the medicine.
The week before school started I was able to take the bandage off. I was sad because I thought I would get out of school for a while.  I asked dad if he would make me go to school,w he said “yes.” The only thing different about me is I can take injuries.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Big Game

By Alexander

 In the first half I scored one goal that went in the lower right corner of the goal. I took a corner kick and my friend Matt headed (headed means when the ball hits your head) it down between the goalies legs 2-0. We scored then the other team scored 2-1. Then I scored again in the lower left corner to make it 3-1 at halftime. Our coach said we were doing well. I scored three goals in the second half. The first goal I scored a ball that just went under the cross bar for an upper ninety goal from outside the box (it is a really hard shot to make). Next I scored again by putting a ball between the goalies legs for a goal making the score 5-1. Then the coach pulled me out, it made me mad because I wanted to play more. Coach told me he did not want to run the score up too high and also that shows sportsmanship. He put me back in after five minutes. He put me at midfield so I could pass the ball to the offense to help them. So I crossed the ball (crossed means when you are on one side and your pass it to the other) and he headed it in but he was off sides (off sides means you’re behind the last defender and pass it to them their off sides).The next pass was not off sides. I dribbled down then passed it to teammate then he passed back to me outside of the box. I shot it and scored another outside the box. After a couple minute the game ended and we won 6-1.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


By Emilie

 My mom dropped me off at riding camp first thing after lunch. After spending hours in the mess hall being bored, we had dinner, then we learned from a counselor that we would be sleeping in a small building for the for the night. We were supposed to sleep in the cabins, so we were really mad. But at least we slept in them for the rest of the week. When we woke up, we walked the two miles to breakfast, then the three miles from the main camp to the barn, which was very tiring.The first half of the week went smoothly, but Wednesday was a completely different story.
      Star, Sapphire, Lilly, and I were on a trail ride (Star and Sapphire were counselors) Star was 23, Sapphire was 22, Lily was 13, and I was 11.We had just stopped in the main camp for lunch, and we were cantering across Bald Eagle Field for fun. Lilly and I had finished, and we were walking back to the other side. Star and Sapphire were still cantering across, suddenly, Sapphire slipped and fell, landing on her back. She was crying the instant she hit the ground. She was trying to sit up, but Star told her to lie down.
        Star told Lilly and I to go get help but not to canter, because she didn't want anyone else falling off on her watch I was more terrified than I had ever been in my entire life. We trotted back, and got Mustang( another counselor ), She drove down in her pink spray paint covered pickup truck, and she didn't come back for a long time.
While she was gone, two people fell off. Actually, one person fell off a horse, and one horse fell on a person. Mads just gracefully slipped off her horse, and my friend Caroline was riding around in the arena when suddenly Luther slipped, and fell on top of her. Caroline hurt her knee, but mads and Luther the horse were fine.
            When Mustang got back, she told us Sapphire was okay, and she was being checked out by a doctor. We were all very relieved. We cleaned out the water trough, then we all started drinking from it. I know that doesn't sound very sanitary, but it was Mustang who started it, not me.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Two Dogs

By Conrad 

       In the beginning, before I was born, my dad had a black Labrador retriever named Tank. She had died a couple years before I was born.  But when I was born my mom and dad already had our dog, Summer for a couple of years. My dad told me he planted a dogwood tree for Summer when she was born. When I was born Summer was about 6 years old in human years. When I was about 6 we got a new puppy, and around that time Summer was 12 years old in human years.
      My dad had just arrived home in his truck from the airport. When I ran out to greet him I noticed something big and rectangular in the trunk of his car. After I gave my dad a hug he opened the trunk to his car. I could not believe my eyes. In the trunk there was a dog kennel, and inside that kennel was a puppy. It was the cutest dog I had ever seen. My dad told me the dog was a girl. She was an English Labrador retriever from a very good purebred dog breeder in the U.S.
       I ran back into the house and screamed “we got a puppy!” At once my two sisters came running down the stairs. Soon everyone was gathered in the family room. My dad had let the puppy out of her kennel and she was happily running around in the family room. And by then Summer had walked over to greet the new edition to the family. Once everyone had said hello to her and got to pet her, we started thinking of names for the new puppy. Then my mom had an idea. She said “since Summer is named after the season, why don’t we name the puppy after a flower that blooms in the summer?” .Our dog was officially named Daisy.
    After a while we found out that Daisy was a smart dog. She was the smartest dog I ever knew. She would know she was being fed because she could hear the sound of her dog food hitting her bowl and she would come running. She would also know when she was getting a walk because she could hear the sound of her box being open, and then her leash hitting the sides of the box.
  She also became good at listening to commands. The reason for this was that Daisy went to a kennel across the bridge to become a trained dog. When we dropped her off at the kennel, she still looked the same from when we first got her. But when I saw her two months later, she had grown so much. Her legs had grown longer, her coat was a darker shade in some places, and her black nose had turned pink. Another big change was that she listened to commands a lot better. She had changed into a more obedient dog.
    A couple months later, Summer had started to suffer. She was an old dog by when. After a couple weeks it was clear that she was still suffering. My parents decided to put Summer down.  We went to Ocean City and left Summer at the vet. When we were gone Summer was put down and then she was cremated and we put her ashes in a box. Then we buried her next to the tree that was planted when she was born. It was hard for all of us, because Summer was put down on her 13th birthday. It was also hard for Daisy. She was whimpering for the first couple of days after we came home. She was very confused because Summer wasn’t there and Summer was always there with her. But after a while we all got used to a house without loving, sweet old Summer in it.         

Monday, October 28, 2013

My Not So Great Birthday Party

By Pauline

            A couple weeks before my 5th birthday (I think), I told my mom that I wanted to have a scavenger hunt for my party. She thought it was a good idea, and she got my older brother to help her with it. I woke up really excited the morning of my party. When I got to the living room, my mom told me that she had set up some kind of hunt in the backyard, and that I shouldn’t look for any ribbons. I didn’t really know what the game was, but my mom wanted help making the teams. Of course I put my crush on my team and a kid I didn’t like too much on another.
            When everyone got there, my mom started explaining the game. There were three teams, and each team had a different assigned color. Ten ribbons with each color on them were hidden in the yard. The yard was pretty big with a swing set, sand pit, little crappy house, and a garden in the back. There were some bushes and trees along the perimeter of the yard.  Each team had to find all of them and then go back inside the house to give them to my mom. She would count them and make sure we had all ten. If we didn’t we would go back and look for the rest. If we did she gave us a paper puzzle of an object. Once we figured out what the object was, we had to go find it and look for a key in it. Once we had the key you could unlock a cabinet with treasure in it.
            She started telling us who was on what team. There was a blue, a green, and a red team. My best friend and my crush were on the red team with me. The kid I did not really like, Cirdec, was on the green team. My best guy friend, Arthur was on the blue team.
We all got ready to go outside and my mom yelled “go.” My team decided to split up a little and we started looking around the yard. We had a little trouble keeping track of how many ribbons we had. We thought we had all of them so we went back inside, very excited to be first. But when my mom counted then we only had eight of them. She sent us back outside to look for the rest of our ribbons. We spread out one last time and found the rest of the ribbons really easily.
When we finally had all of our ribbons, we went back inside to get our puzzle. Everyone was already working on their puzzles, so our team was a little stressed out. Cirdec’s team seemed to be in the lead so I was a little agry. But we finished first. It was a picture of a little plastic house. I knew where it was, so I told my team to follow me. I led them back outside to the front of the yard. There was a little plastic house for tiny kids. We couldn’t all fit inside so three of us went in (there was no roof). All the other teams had followed us, with my mom in front of them. I saw there was a blanket on the ground, so I picked it up and underneath it was the key. My team was so excited, but I think I was more excited than any of them.
We followed my mom back inside. She told me which cabinet the key opened. I was having a little trouble unlocking the cabinet. When all of the sudden, the kid I hate the most comes up next to me, opens the cabinet next to the locked one, reaches inside (all the cabinets are connected in the inside), and gabs a box of candy. The kid ruined my birthday party!  Everyone was cheering for him. I was supposed to get the candy out. It was my team who won! He had no right to open that thing! I will never ever forgive that kid!

Friday, October 25, 2013


By Marlena

            VBS is Vacation Bible School. It is where young kids come to learn about Jesus. I was a teacher for a preschool class. The first part of VBS is setting up. My co teacher and I made name tags for all of the preschoolers. We had to meet up a couple times to get to know each other and to see how we wanted to teach. We decorated the room to look like Ancient Athens. It is in a mountain range by the water. The week we were studying was Paul’s dangerous journey. It’s about how Paul saw so many scary things and his faith was tested so much yet he still depended on God. My co teacher and I looked over the lesson to make sure we could understand it.
            On the first day of class, Monday, the preschoolers arrived almost all at the same time, just before class started. They came to class like this every day. It was a little hard to memorize all the names of the kids. Each day there was a coloring sheet for the kids to do as they arrived. Since most of them couldn’t write their name, I had to go around and write names on their papers. I got through the day just fine and the kids were very sweet.
            On the second day, the kids weren’t quite as nice as the day before everyone wanted to be the line leader. They would whine until I gave each of them an answer, and if I told them that I already chose someone, they would pout and then ask to be the next line leader. When I asked who hadn’t been the line leader they all would deny ever doing it even though I remembered seeing some of them leading that day. It’s silly to think how worked up some of the kids got over nothing.  Since I taught preschool, some of the age requirements were fuzzy. I was supposed to have 3-4 year olds who were potty-trained, but there was a kid, let’s call Kid 1, that didn’t exactly know how to use a big toilet without help. I found a teacher’s aid walking through the hall who knew what to do and was able to help me. Kid 1 clogged the toilet by using too much toilet paper. The woman told me I should take Kid 1 back to class and that she would take care of the mess. I was grateful for all that she did.
            On day three, kid 1 fought with Kid 2. Kid 2 was four. They fought over everything, who got to hold my hand, who would sit in my lap, who was the line leader. They were really competitive. While they fought, I had trouble with Kid 3, who was running around, disobeying me, and wouldn’t listen to me. When Kid 3’s mom arrived I explained that we had a little trouble and she said tomorrow would be better.
            On day four, Kid 3 was a little better but still didn’t listen to me. She still ran around and disobeyed me. Kid 2 refused to sing the song we picked because she thought it was a “baby song” she wanted to be with “the big kids” like me, most of the teachers were adults. I finally convinced her to stand with her class, but I had to stand next to her instead of in front of them with the other teachers.
            On day five, the week was over. I gave up on making Kid 3 listen to me, I tried not to get mad at the kids who ignored me or lied about being line leader, and I tried my hardest to leave the week on a high note.

            On Sunday, most of the kids came back to sing their song. We sang in the church service, so I had to try to keep about ten preschool kids quiet for one hour in church. After church everyone got ice cream, and I decided that next summer I would teach older kids.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Grand Canyon

By Steven

 My family had never been to the Grand Canyon before, so during the first night of our rafting trip, we camped in what seemed like a good enough spot underneath some trees by the side of the river. It was cool enough and the trees provided some shelter and privacy, but as soon as it was time to sleep we realized the severity of our mistake.  What we didn’t know was that recently, an invasive species of beetle had been released in the area, and were killing all of the native trees.  There were millions and millions of these things, but even more numerous than the beetles were their larva.  Hundreds of the larva lived in each tree, and they would fall off of the trees to make huge piles on the ground an inch tall.  So as we lay on our cots we could feel the slimy worm like larva falling onto us.  There was nothing we could do.  All the other spots had been taken, and brushing off the larva was useless because they were so numerous.  They would fall as quickly as you could remove them. The only choice was to cover your head with your sheet, and try to fall asleep as you felt the steady drop of larva.  Thankfully I survived the night and by the end of the second day, we had moved to a place in the canyon where the beetles had not yet spread.
 Rafting in the Colorado was unlike anything I had previously experienced. The water was less than forty degrees, and the air was over a hundred.  I was constantly hot or cold.  It made for an odd experience because I was always uncomfortable; it was a land of extremes.  For the most part the rafting was a lot of fun, the rapids were huge, and the scenery was cool.  The people we were taking the trip with were lots of fun too.  There was a nice family with two kids, and a friendly guy who brought his girlfriend.  There were also a couple of really grumpy old people that were always angry at someone, and appeared to be upset that there were children on the trip.  The old people always ate there food away from the rest of the people and would get mad if and children got too close to where they were sleeping.  Except for them, everyone was nice.
We were led down the Grand Canyon by four river guides; there were two men, and two women.  There were two rafts and each one was led by two river guides, one of the guys, and one of the girl.  They had all been rafting on the Colorado for their entire lives, so they knew what they were doing.  They would cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for us every day, and help us with our stuff.  It was by no means real camping.  Practically everything was done for us.  That didn’t make the reality of our remote location and lack of resources any less obvious. 
            I was in the Grand Canyon standing near, but not in the water, because although it was over one hundred degrees, the searing heat was no match for the piercing sting of the melted glacier water of the Colorado River.  I was on a three day river rafting trip down the Grand Canyon with my a group of strangers, family, and my dad’s friend from college.  It was the third day of our trip, the last day, and we were eating breakfast on the sandy shoreline of the Colorado preparing for the ten mile hike out.  I had been having fun for most of the trip, and had survived the not-so-pleasurable experiences, now I was ready for the final day. 
We boarded the boats to cross the river; once we got there we would hike to the Bright Angle Trail, a steep, ten mile long path that leads out of the Grand Canyon.  It was still dawn as I hastily made my way up the trail at a fast pace.   I was excited to once again be amongst civilization, so instead of pacing myself, I sped up the first half of the trail before noon.  At this point it was beginning to get hot.  For some reason, instead of continuing on, I waited for my sister.  As I waited for my sister, the sun rose higher in the sky.  As the sun rose, temperature climbed, and forty-five minutes later the temperature was no longer in the nineties, it was well into the hundreds.  When my sister finally caught up we continued on together, but the second half of our hike was steeper and hotter.  So as we hiked we got more and more tired.  Three quarters of the way through the hike, we began could barely walk.  We were also really delirious.  We started to sing, and as we climbed our singing got much louder, and much worse until we were just mumbling.
When we finally felt as if we could go no further, we saw the end of the trail.  At the end was a small village.  Although we had made it past the Bright Angle Trail, we were not done yet.  We still had to find our hotel, and every person we asked gave us a different answer.  Finally, a old guy with a huge mustache pointed us in the right direction, and we found our hotel.  It was already the middle of the afternoon, and I enjoyed the air conditioning for the first time in days.  I had finally made it to civilization.  Soon after, our parents caught up and I took a long nap.  At last I had survived the Grand Canyon.                      

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Gibson Island Race

By Tyler
            Over the summer, I spent most of my time learning to race sailboats. I was racing for my local yacht club, and it was my first summer that I have done racing. All of the summers before, I had been learning how to handle the boats I sailed. I had been sailing since I was 3 years old. We would attend events called regattas, which are a series of races in one day. One regatta was held at Gibson Island.
When I first showed up, I realized I knew most of the people there and knew that I would have some tough competition. All of my friends were there, and they were good sailors. My friends and I sailed boats called 420s, which are two person boats. Some people also sailed Lasers, which are one person boats. There were about 30 420s and Lasers. We launched our boats and headed to the race course. The Lasers did their races first, and then the 420s. The wind was about 14 miles per hour. I was sailing with a friend that I had known since I was in kindergarten. He didn’t have any racing experience either, so we were learning together. He sailed 420s for 3 years.
            In our first start, we didn’t do too well, and the wind was dying. We finished 11th. After the race, we figured out that one boat was trying to follow us, and we sped ahead of them.
 In our second start, we were second to the first mark, and then the wind died to five miles per hour. Two boats passed us because they could handle the light wind better. When we got to the second mark, six boats were lined up side by side, and no one had enough space to cross the mark because of one boat that was on the very outside edge. Everyone called for space to get around the mark, and there was a lot of contact. It was that one boat’s job to give us room to round the mark, and he didn’t. My friend Harrison had sailed up next to me and he was yelling at me for space to round, but I couldn’t give him any space. I managed to cross, and I sped ahead of everyone there, and finished sixth. After the race, Harrison asked me if I knew who didn’t follow the rules in that one mark rounding. We asked around, and eventually gave up.
My next few races weren’t very good. We finished 11th again, and then 17th twice. We scored tenth overall, and it was our best regatta all summer. At the club, I saw my good friend whom I haven’t seen for a long time, and we talked. She ended up beating me by one place. Maybe I’ll beat her next time. I found the people that followed me, and we also talked. I beat them by 17 places, and they weren’t very upset about it.
Two of my friends placed in the top three positions, and Harrison got fourth. He was frustrated that he wouldn’t get an award, and he wanted the awards to show the top five, but they didn’t. After the race, we towed back to the yacht club, and I let my crew drive on the way back, even though everyone else knew how bad he was at driving and they told me to drive. It was his third time driving, and he did well.

I look forward to going back to race at Gibson Island next summer, and I hope I do even better than before. Since my family just bought a Laser, I knew I could practice when I wanted. Maybe I’ll race it at Gibson Island. I can’t wait for next summer.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The First Friends of My Life

By Mitchell

            My first day of Nursery I was taught that we are all friends and that violence is not right from nursery to prekindergarten I followed that rule. But in kindergarten that rule started to slide away from my mind because I had met two kids that changed me. In kindergarten I had the most fun because these two friends that were amazing to play with, their names were Buddy and Quin. Quin was a very small dude he was about 3 feet tall and he got chased around a lot by the girls a lot of how cute he was. Buddy was an average size kindergartener who was very active and was not shy at all. We used real toys occasionally but not as much as we used our imagination we pretended we were jedi, super heroes, monsters or all sorts of things. We never did the same thing each day.  Most of the things we did we weren’t allowed to do because it was violent. We didn’t care we were in kindergarten.
            While we were playing imaginary swordplay with our light sabers (or sticks) we were threatening each other. We were playing all over the playground running around chasing each other. The teacher didn’t know that we were playing a violent game.  After a while she spotted us in the “peaceful kingdom” so she yelled at us from the other side of the playground.  We didn’t hear her the first few times because of how loud we were, and she got really mad after that and she came over and told us to stop or we would sit down for the rest of recess. She told us nicely at first but Trinity, Buddy, and I still kept playing, but with less enthusiasm than before. I played with the least of energy of us three.  I didn’t know why we kept playing this game. Then the teacher came over a second time and she yelled at us and I crumbled to the ground right in the middle of her yelling after a few seconds I ran to the big thing with the slide in the corner and cried. After the teacher stopped yelling at each of them both Buddy and Quin came over to me and asked why I was crying and if they could help and they helped me stop crying.  The teacher was a substitute so I held a grudge against her so I didn’t talk to her for the rest of the day and whenever she substituted, in the future I don’t even remember who she was.
The rest of the day Quin, Buddy, and I just kind of talked about Star Wars. And she didn’t care about that at all because we stayed far away from her whenever she substituted. The next day we started to play something different: superheroes and the teachers thought it was ok as long as no one got hurt. Occasionally we got hurt. Sometimes one of us was getting chased, sometimes all three of us were getting chased by the rest of the class. Either way we had fun doing it. Most of the time teachers didn’t notice because they couldn’t keep track of us because we were too fast for anyone in our minds. Even during nap time we were restless. Trinity, Buddy and I always found a way to make anything exciting for a Kindergartener.

Lately I might have seen Trinity playing lacrosse, but I’m not sure. Buddy I saw at a basketball camp that I went to and I found out his real name was Nicky at the end of the camp. It looks like we still have the same interests though except for imaginary swords and the Force. Now that I know they still live in the area I’m going to need to have more “dangerous” adventures with them some time.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Heat Wave

By Emily M.

     It was on a hot summer day, during a heat wave. I was relaxing on the couch watching T.V. when I saw the swishy tailed mass of lazy fur I call my dog, Barney. He thumped down in his favorite spot on the couch (with clumps of loose hair flying everywhere) and just laid there for about 15 min. Then he went outside. It seemed like a normal day.
         He came in from the backyard limping and stumbled to the ground. My sister and I rushed to his side. He was twitching and his mouth was clenched shut. We called my mom at work and she told us to keep him cool and to stay by his side. My sister and I both dashed around the house to get what we needed; a fan, a water spritzer and all the hope we could scrape up to see if he would recover.
                  *        *        *
It took a few minutes for my Mom to get home, but it felt like an eternity.  All attention was on Barney when she got home. We were waiting and waiting and waiting! (It was only like 13 min.) Finally he stopped twitching, unclenched his jaw, got up and walked away. He trotted to the living room and plopped down in his favorite spot, and that was that. That experience was scarier than the feeling of going on a roller coaster. You get to the top and wait for the moment to fall off the track but you don’t, you have a great time. For me I thought Barney was going to die, but he shook it off. That day I vowed to always keep an eye on that lazy mass of fluff.   

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Farm

By Ivy

My family and I flew on a plane for 27 hours to Australia. Then, after a few days we drove 5 hours to my friend’s farm. When we arrived we ate breakfast we went out to and got our boots on then ride horses. My friends and I went out and got then went out e horses out of the pasture. My horse, waffles, was being stubborn and not coming with me. He was eating the grass which he shouldn’t have done because it is not good for the rider because when riding they may eat and you may fall off. I pushed him all the way down to the stables. We washed them up and then saddled the horses up and road them around and saw kangaroos, wombats, koalas, red belly black snakes that almost bit my dad because he was throwing rocks at it. We were careful not to get lost because, trust me, it was easy. After that we went to bed. In the morning we rode the mule like golf cart down to collect pine cones. Then, we went see the wombats, and the kangaroos. We rode the horses again when we got back to the house. The next day we went to the river one my friend’s property and swam. It was so fun because you could swim in on place and not go any were. The river was so fast because it hit some small rapids then a Mini waterfall that we all went down. It ended in a small pool with fish, tadpoles, and frogs. So me and my friends got a few cups and caught them. When we got back to the house we had to pack up to leave to Sydney to stay for the next few weeks.  At my family’s apartment that we were renting on the last day, it was Christmas so we had to pack up all is stuff to leave. Since, we were going back to the States so we had a 40 hour Christmas. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Revenge of the Snow

By Andrew K.

December 12, 2009, a terrible thing happened. That year, there was a terrible snow storm that lasted two days. Eventually the snow stopped falling hard and I went outside with my mom. There was snow, as far as I could see. There was three feet twelve inches to be exact. My mom started shoveling, but that was boring so I went off and explored. I started walking on a fence covered in snow, but since I wasn’t paying any attention I fell flat on face and passed out. About five minutes later, I woke up in three feet of snow. I felt cold, wet and terrified. I was starting to get frost bite. I was wet from the melted snow in my jacket and freezing from the wind. I couldn’t stand-up, so I started to dig and dig and dig. While I was doing this I was yelling for her. Eventually I got to the side walk and rested until my mom found me. I was annoyed because I had been yelling for ten minutes before she found me. She found me when she was shoveling the sidewalk. She helped me walk to the front door, took my coat off, turned on the fire and then I fell asleep on the sofa. Later, I ate a cup of soup and felt much better. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

To China

By Wayland

            Two years ago, during the summer, I was on a plane. We started to feel like we’re moving. I opened the window and saw ants. Then realized we were actually leaving America.
            Fourteen hours is a very long time. China is at the other side of the planet, so I expected it to be a very long trip. I thought I had enough patience for that amount of time on a plane. The problem was I needed to stretch. I didn’t have enough space to move my legs without disturbing the person sitting in front of me (who didn’t look too kind). The next problem was I couldn’t sleep well. I mean, it was quiet and all, but I just couldn’t sleep after my first eight hour nap. Instead, I was thinking about America and my memories. After that I was simply bored. The need for entertainment made me lose some brain cells. I continued to suffer until we reached China. I was so happy until I realized I had to do it again after a month.
            We met one of our aunts and her family right in Hong Kong after we left the torturous plane. Hong Kong is a city full of tall buildings, kind of like New York. It was night time, but that didn’t make me want to sleep. The different time zones prevented me from being tired during the night, and made me sleepy during day. We stayed at my aunt’s apartment. I managed to sleep, but it was an uncomfortable sleep. I woke up sleepy again, and my legs refused to move.
That day, we went on a tour to visit some monuments. The heat of the sun during summer was burning my skin. I was pounded with waves of heat. Hong Kong is close to the equator, so the heat was more intense. The combination of being tired and sweating made me want to go home after 50 minutes. Even in the blazing heat, the tours were enjoyable. It made me forget about the heat and the sweat. Most of the tours contain sculptures of emperors, holy animals (especially dragons and lions), and Buddhas. Sometimes, a tour contained a fort or a Chinese building full of artifacts. There were some tours that were really distant, so we had to use the  underground train.
For food, we went to restaurants, or we cooked. It usually had rice with dumplings, chicken, and more. After the main meal, the after-dish contained citrus and watermelons.
            After one week of tiring, fun tours, we went to Guan Zhou which is south of Hong Kong. Unfortunately, Guan Zhou is much less sanitary than Hong Kong. We met the rest of my aunts. In Guan Zhou, there were a lot of people trying to sell their goods on the streets that were mostly fruits and vegetables. We did the same thing we did in Hong Kong, but went on different tiring tours. It had the same things: forts, shrines, and Buddahs. Then, I got sick. I had to drink medicine through a straw three times a day. I was like “Three times a day! Uhg.” I had to drink it once during the morning, once at noon, and once at night. I mostly complained about taste. Drinking the medicine is like drinking a used toilet in the public. Luckily, I grew better after two days, but I never gave credit to the disgusting medicine.

            After another whole week of the same thing, we went back to Hong Kong and stayed there for a week. On that week, we played ping-pong, surfed the internet, and slept during the day. That week was probably the emptiest week I’ve ever had. On the final day, we went to the airport waving goodbye to our aunt’s family. We took off into the air; I started to think about China. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


By Thomas

 This summer my family on my mother’s side went out Wyoming.  I was the only person in my whole family that did not want to go.  It did not make it better when my parents decided to take a train that takes two days to get there ‘’ just for a better experience.’’   It was a pretty cool train because between the five of us we had two rooms each with three beds and a shower, fridge, bathroom, and sink. The first night on the train was boring, because my brothers where annoying me in our room.  The next day was a whole different story because we made a stop in Chicago. I loved Chicago because the water looked so tropical because of the color blue it was and felt like I was on the boardwalk at the beach. After Chicago we got back on the train and the next day we made a stop in Denver. Although I did not like Denver as much as Chicago it was still a pretty nice city.
When we were ready to leave, we went to the car rentals and took the car on our way for a 10 hour drive.  During the car ride I felt like I was going to, and my parents not paying attention to my oldest and youngest brother annoying me by screaming in my ear or punching me.  So then I tried to fall asleep so it would go faster but because of my brothers that did not happen.  When we got to Wyoming, we thought the drive was over until our parents told us there were still another five and a half hours. That was when I flipped out a screamed and punched my brother.  Then we got to Yellowstone national park witch was our destination.  We came up to the gate which we thought meant we were there, but then we told the gatekeeper where we were going she said we still had another two hours.  That  went by fast because the sun was setting and the scenery was beautiful.  Once we got there we put our room key in the slot and it did not work, so they went back to the lodge office and got the right key.  That night I could not fall asleep, and I could not go on Instagram or Facebook because we had no service, so I just lied in bed and eventually fell asleep at about 2:00 am.
The next morning we went to the grand canyon of Yellowstone was really cool and my mom would freak out when we went to close to the edge, because we were 500 feet up.  After that we decided to go the Old Faithful and had lunch in that dining hall. After two more days after Yellowstone we went to the main part of the trip.  Red Rock Ranch.  It was really cool there because there was a heated pool, a hot tub, tennis court, a pool table, ping pong, and a basketball court.  After we arrived we god ready to have dinner and met all the other families that where there for the week.  It was the weirdest thing because they all had a kid in their family that played lacrosse.  The next day I learned how to ride a horse for the first time, we would ride through the whole week.  Every Tuesday we would go on an all-day ride and bring lunch.  The first time we went we collected rocks off of a cliff. When we first came down to the cliff there was a stream under it so they said we would have to get wet.  We thought they we joking until they jumped  in with all of there clothes on.  That was when we jumped in and really felt like cowboys.  We could even go under water to pick the minerals off the side of the cliff.  The one after that it was just our family.  And we didn’t really do that much.  On the last day we had a barbeque and camp fires.  The next day we packed up and left the ranch to go to our family’s ranch.  Red Barn Ranch.  Red barn ranch was my favorite part of the trip because we shopped in Jackson Hole Wyoming and that is what we did every day for the rest of the trip.  On the last day we packed up and said our goodbyes to the animals on the ranch and got in our car and started are long trek back to the car rentals. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Weekend

By Grayson F.

            My mom, my brother , his friend, and I were heading to our beach house. During the car ride down we watched a movie. The movie was called Bansky. A great movie about one of the all the time greatest graffiti artists ever. After we arrived, and then we put on are bathing suits and, headed to the beach. We swam at the beach for at least four hours. After a long time spent in the water, we went to get ice cream on the boardwalk. We got the ice cream and while we were walking back we remembered that my mom told us to not take too long because she had an appointment for the new pool. We raced back to find that she was gone. We were all very disappointed because we had spent all day at the beach in the water and we didn’t want to walk a few miles home. We started walking home and realized that if we stop at our mom’s friend George’s antique store it would take half as long as walking. So we asked if we could use George’s phone and we called our mom. After waiting an hour she finally came to pick us up. It was pretty bad but at least we made some money helping George move some furniture.
            We knew we were going to be at George’s for a while. We had nothing to do so we got asked by George.
            When we got home we took showers. We played outside until it was dark and then we went inside. After deciding what we were going to do that night we got in the car and drove to Harris Teeter.  We bought diner and we bought a movie. The movie was called “Hunting Season” with John Travolta and Robert Dinero. We got home and ate. After we ate we watched the movie. The movie was horrible and it was too violent for my mom. So we had a great suggestion from Cameron to watch a movie called “Donnie Darko”. It was a great movie of a boy with a bad sleep walking in the night because of this bunny named Frank. The bunny was a man wearing a costume. The costume was pretty scary. And every scene in the movie that included Frank she fast forwarded. It was now my favorite movie.  After the movie we went to bed. Although it was only about 8 o’clock on a weekend. But we had to get up in the morning and clean and then go home because Cameron and I had a lacrosse game.

            The next day we didn’t clean that much because there wasn’t that much to clean. We ate breakfast and we were off to the lacrosse games. That was the only reason that we woke up early. We were going to try and miss the traffic. Everyone must have had the same idea because we were stuck in the traffic for two and a half hours. We knew we were going to be late but we also had to drop off Berj, pick up the right equipment, and then head to the game. Cameron’s game was starting right when we got there. My game started right after Cameron’s game. I was the first one there and there were only eleven kids there. You need at least fourteen or fifteen.  The game was starting but we had no subs. The other team didn’t offer to give players off their team. Well it was only an hour had bad could it be. I will just say it was very bad. Our team was horrible compared to theirs. I scored with my left hand though. I don’t remember what the score was but I would rather not tell. That’s how bad it was. All the kids on my team were new so they didn’t know how to play. The good thing is nobody got hurt and nobody’s stick broke. I was sad when we lost. I am not a good loser. But hey I scored with my off hand. So in a way I was proud of myself.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Halloween Dance Party

By Sebastian

     So there I was, at school watching strobe lights coming out of the windows like Nyan cat barfing out the window. I walk in and saw everybody in the parish hall in their little groups and the food and I ate some of the cupcakes and four cookies. I saw my friend Ben in a Halo 3 Master Chief mask. We talked for a bit then I heard a song. I got down with my bad self. So I am doing robots, turtle shells and more dance moves that I taught myself.
 Ben says “Man where did you learn to do that?”
 “I just have skills, man.”
 “Dude, get on the dance floor and party.”
      Then I said no because I was shy. So guess what? He pushes me. All I saw was 200 pairs of eyes looking at me. I was tempted to say bye, run to the hall and go to the bathroom and hide, but I faced my adversary, which at the time was my stage fright so I prepare myself. My heart stopped, I tensed, then I danced like a party boss. Everyone sees me brake out my moves of awesomeness, and they started moving to the beat. Then I swear someone shouts out “Party out loud!”
      Then people started dancing one by one then the party truly got started to get funky. After an hour I got out with my dignity intact somehow, I knew Ben with his smug grin behind his mask and I gave him a cold stare, as cold as ice and we held that position for two minutes, then we laughed and got water, and told jokes about random stuff that happened when I was dancing. Apparently he overheard a couple of kids talking about me.
     Afterwards I was noticed by people and some kids were challenging me to dance duels. Two girls said they thought I was a good dancer. Someone took a video of me dancing on the dance floor then showed me the video. I looked awesome, but a teacher told him to delete it.

     Now one or two hours of awesome dancing and snack brakes and then we came to the best costume award, I was wondering if it would be me but it was someone else. But, someone told me about best dancer award so I waited and waited, then figured that it was not happening that night, but I could have been man, I could have been noticed for something awesome, but you get what you get. After that things where crazy, it was like a huge strobe lighted war with kids that had way too much sugar and cake and just junk food in general. But when we were cleaning up I thought of next year and getting an award.